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TITLE TSRINT Version 0.4 Jan 20 1991 Robert Curtis Davis
SUBTTL Introduction
; TSRINT.ASM Version 0.4 Jan 20 91
; A part of the TBONES software package.
; Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Robert Curtis Davis,
; All Rights Reserved.
; Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) Program Template
; for TSRs which are triggered by a specified Interrupt.
; Such TSRs are said to "hook" the specified Interrupt.
; This is a VERY basic program with few bells or whistles.
; Provides a skeletal framework program for use in the design
; of your own Hooked Interrupt TSRs.
; E-Mail address:
; Internet: sonny@trantor.harris-atd.com
; US Mail:
; 430 Bahama Drive
; Indialantic, FL 32903
; Use this as a starting point in the design of your TSR programs.
; Special thanks to David Kirschbaum, whose Toad Hall Tweaks significantly
; improved T-BONES' code:
;v0.11, Toad Hall Tweak (25 Nov 90)
; - Idiosyncracies: I like my constant labels in all-upper-case (HOOK)
; and my variable labels in lower-case (oldint).
; - Load ES directly with the PSP's environment segment.
; No need to pass it through AX.
; - Load AX as a word rather than byte-by-byte.
; - Let the compiler do the arithmetic (figuring length of TSR code)
; - Use PROC NEAR and PROC FAR (1) just for good programming practice,
; and (2) to clarify the difference between that FAR interrupt server
; and the other NEAR processes.
SUBTTL Code Segment (Resident)
CodeSeg segment
assume CS:CodeSeg,DS:CodeSeg
BeginDump EQU $ ;Roy Silvernail: Keep TASM 1.0 happy in
;computing number of resident paragraphs.
org 2CH ;ORG in PSP to pick up env. segment.
envseg label word ;environment segment v0.11
org 100h ;ORG for all COM programs.
Entry PROC NEAR ;v0.11
jmp TSRinit ;Jump over resident portion and
;initialize things and make code
;from CodeSeg to TSRinit resident.
Entry ENDP ;v0.11
; Old Interrupt Vector (Hooked Interrupt handler's original address)
; is stored here during TSR initialization:
oldint dd ?
; Define which BIOS or DOS Interrupt this TSR is to hook into:
; For this TSR Template, choose the PrtScrn Interrupt 05h:
HOOK equ 05h ;Hooked Interrupt number.
; Any EQUates and storage areas needed by your New Interrupt handler
; can be placed here also:
bellgate db 0 ;Gate closed (=1) when in Bell routine.
;Gate open (=0) when not in Bell routine.
NewInt PROC FAR ;v0.11
pushf ;Simulate interrupt call to oldint:
call CS:oldint
push DS ;Preserve DS.
push CS ;Set up DS to CodeSeg v0.11
pop DS
; The Bell "gate" shenanighans below keeps the MASSIVE number of
; interrupts that can occur during the computer-scale
; long, LONG time needed to ring the bell from overflowing the
; system's internal stack (because of so many Int 10 calls) when
; you hold down the Print Screen key for too long.
; This "gate" technique is a good one to keep in
; mind whenever you have a code region in an interrupt handler
; that needs to be protected from re-entry:
cmp bellgate,0 ;Clear to enter routine?
jne BusyExit ;If gate not open, Exit.
mov bellgate,1 ;Else, close gate & enter routine.
; Allow other interrupts:
push ax ;Entry to TSR Routine:
push bx ;Save all registers (DS is already pushed).
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
push bp
push es
; Your code for the New Hooked Interrupt Handler TSR routine
; ( Here, a dummy routine has been placed which simply rings the
; terminal Bell whenever the TSR is triggered. )
; Announce this dummy TSR's trigger by a Bell signal:
mov al,07h ;al = ASCII Bell.
mov bh,0 ;Video page.
mov cx,1 ;No. of bytes to write.
mov ah,0Eh ;BIOS Int10,OEh=TTY Screen.
Int 10h ;Write ASCII Bell to screen.
; End of Hooked Interrupt handler routine.
mov bellgate,0
pop es ;Restore all registers
pop bp
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop ds
NewInt ENDP ;v0.11
; Only the code above will remain locked in memory after the
; TSR initialization performed below.
SUBTTL TSR Initialization Code (Nonresident). The "BOOSTER".
; The following code is protected in RAM *ONLY* during initialization
; of the TSR that occurs when the TSR name is first entered
; at the DOS command level. All the following code is abandonned
; unprotected in RAM after the Terminate-and-Stay-Resident
; call to Function 31h of DOS Interrupt 21h below. This
; is allowed to happen because the code's work is complete at
; that point. The code will be overwritten as the memory which
; it temporarily occupied is needed by DOS for other purposes.
; I have seen this following section of code colorfully called
; the TSR "Booster". And this is quite appropriate since the code
; sits here, strapped to the very end of the code. It is of use
; only during the initialization of the TSR, when it is used to
; put the TSR into "orbit" (residency), and after which it is
; "jettisoned" by the DOS TSR call, Int 21h, Fcn 31h.
TSRinit PROC NEAR ;v0.11
EndDump EQU $ ;Roy Silvernail: Keep TASM 1.0 happy in
;computing number of resident paragraphs.
; TSRINT requires DOS Version 2 or later. Be sure DOS Version 1 not used:
; Get DOS Version Number:
mov ah,30h ;Fcn 30h = Get DOS Version
int 21h ;DOS Version = al.ah
; If this is DOS v.1.x, this TSR cannot work, so go print message
; and exit without installing:
cmp al,1 ;Is this DOS Version 1.x?
ja DOSverOK ;If not, DOS version is OK.
;If here, DOS Version 1.x is being run and TSR won't work, so bail out:
mov dx,OFFSET BailOutMsg ;TBONES needs DOS 2.x or later.
mov ah,09h ;Say we're sorry, but NO GO
int 21h ;via DOS.
pop bx ;Clear stack.
int 20h ;Terminate without installing
;in only way DOS 1.x knows.
db 0Dh,0Ah
db 'Sorry. TSRBONES needs DOS v.2+. You have v.1.x'
db 0Dh,0Ah,'$'
; If here, DOS version is 2.0 or later. TSR can work, so proceed.
; To conserve memory, release from memory the copy of the DOS
; Environment passed to this TSR (this, of course, assumes that
; your Interrupt handler will not be written to reference this
; de-allocated Environment. If you are going to need it, don't
; de-allocate it.):
mov ES,envseg ;get environment segment v0.11
;from Program Segment Prefix.
mov ah,49h ;DOS Fcn 49h = Release Memory
int 21h ;Release it via DOS interrupt.
; In order to make the TSR's command name show under the "owner" column in
; the "MAPMEM" command of Kim Kokkonen's excellent TSR Mark/Release
; package, allocate a tiny 1-paragraph "Pseudo-Environment" here which
; contains nothing but the TSR name. This only costs 16 bytes in
; TSR resident code:
; Allocate the memory needed by the tiny 'Pseudo-Environment":
mov bx,1 ;Allocate one parag. (16bytes)
mov ah,48h ;and return allocation
int 21h ;segment in ax via DOS call.
mov ES,ax ;Pseudo-Env. Segment to ES.
mov si,OFFSET PseudoEnv ;si=source string OFFSET.
mov di,0 ;di=destination string OFFSET.
mov cx,ENVLNGTH ;cx=Bytes in Pseudo-Env.string.
cld ;Forward string move direction.
rep movsb ;Move Pseudo-Env. string @ DS:si to ES:di
; Set PSP's Environment segment pointer to point to tiny Pseudo-Environment.
mov envseg,ES
; Hook the Interrupt:
; Get Old Interrupt Vector:
mov ax,3500H + HOOK ;AH=DOS Fcn 35H, Get Int Vec
;AL=Hooked Interrupt number
int 21h ;Old Int Vect.in ES:BX via DOS.
; Save Old Interrupt Vector:
mov Word Ptr oldint,bx ;Save Offset of Old Interrupt.
mov Word Ptr oldint+2,ES ;save old interrupt seg v0.11
; Install New Interrupt Vector to this TSR's "NewInt:" Label:
mov ax,2500H + HOOK ;AH=DOS Fcn 25H=Set Int vec
; v0.11
;AL=Hooked Interrupt number
mov dx,offset NewInt ;dx=Offset of New Int Handler.
int 21h ;Set New Int via DOS.
; Announce the TSR's Installation:
mov dx,Offset InstallMsg ;dx points to message.
mov ah,09h ;DOS Fcn. 09h=Display String.
int 21h ;Display String via DOS.
; Lock resident code in memory via Terminate-and-Stay-Resident (TSR) DOS call:
;v0.11 DX requires size of resident code (in 16-byte paragraphs)
; This awkward construct is required to keep
; DOS Function 31h happy. Notice how we first compute
; the length of the TSR code in bytes [i.e., end of
; the TSR code (EndDump) minus start of the TSR code
; (0, our BeginDump)], round it up to the next whole paragraph ( + 0Fh),
; and then divide by 16 (SHR 4) to get the number of resident paragraphs:
; Thanks to Roy Silvernail, who made TASM 1.0 happy by defining the
; constants BeginDump and EndDump, and using them in the
; following statement:
mov dx,(EndDump-BeginDump+0FH)/16 ;DX = No.Paragraphs.
mov ah,31h ;DOS FCN 31h = TSR Call.
int 21h ;Go Resident via DOS TSR call.
;Goodbye, Booster!
PseudoEnv: DB ' ',0,0,1,0,'TSRINT',0
db 0Dh,0Ah
db 0Dh,0Ah
db 'Hooked Interrupt => PrtScrn (Int 05h)'
db 0Dh,0Ah,0Dh,0Ah
db 'TSRINT Version 0.4'
db 0Dh,0Ah
db 'Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Robert Curtis Davis'
db 0Dh,0Ah,'$'
TSRinit ENDP ;v0.11
CodeSeg ends
end Entry